Thursday 11 December 2014


Today, I had my third formative feedback session with Richard in which we briefly discussed my physical outcome and reviewed my current progress with the dissertation. 

At the time that the dissertation was sent to Richard the first two chapters had been completed with a small start on the third chapter, and so feedback was predominantly aimed at my completed initial chapters. 


In the weeks leading up to  the feedback session I started a process of documenting questions that arose while writing the dissertation. In doing so, I was able to form a list of encountered problems that could be discussed with Richard during the feedback session to help me progress with the module. 


During the session the important points discussed during the session were noted on the feedback sheet that displayed below;



  • Idea - broadsheet newspaper.
  • No design work done yet.
  • Strong idea in place.
  • Make start to ensure its not rushed.


  • Paragraphs need adding to long sections of text.
  • More sources/triangulation needed - Will strengthen argument.
  • Current word count 4,600.
  • Chapter introductions and conclusions need adding.
  • Include more statistical data - Solid evidence. 



Often, while in the sessions me and Richard end up getting into lengthy discussions that frequently result in the creation relevant points and directions. However, as the ideas are usually subsidiary aspects  from discussions about other dissertation points they are sometimes not noted down despite their relevance. Therefore, in this tutorial I decided to take an additional notebook to jot down any points I thought had relevance to my dissertation. 

Notes taken during the session are listed below;

  • A rational should be created for physical outcome justifying the design decisions and existence of the piece.
  • The bibliography should be include all sources of information reviewed and be organised into sections such as sources, journals, internet etc.  
  • Lectures recorded and transcribed as part of my research should be referenced in the appendix and documented on my blog.
  • Triangulation can be improved by extending my sources of information.
  • Introductions and conclusions need to be created for each chapter.
  • Include more statistical data in the first section. 
  • When writing the introduction explain why sources of information have been used. 
  • Explain what 'Qualitative Development' is (Capitalism chapter) - analysing quotes helps to create a more informed piece.
  • Review the 'Nested Dependency Diagram' by Peter Senge -  Relevance to capitalism section.
  • Date when Al Gore won his peace prize - Specifics help to improve outcome. 
  • Have publication completed for the 7th-9th of January. 


The session was really useful as it outlined areas of my dissertation that can be tweaked to help it become more rounded and informed. Tasks that will be completed to help me progress for the session are listed below;
  • Start physical outcome.
  • Finalise production method - how will final piece be printed.
  • Revise current chapters and revise the paragraphs.
  • Add more sources and statistical data - Improve triangulation.
  • Create introduction and conclusion for each chapter. 
  • Refine bibliography - add all sources and organise sections.  

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